PT. Trikarya Architama


Graha Tabayama, JL Jend A Yani No. 75, Kota Bekasi


08212 52272 37

Shell Corena S4 R-46 20 L (1 Pail) Compressor Oil

ISO 6743-3:2003(E) L-DAJ

Shell Corena S4 R-46 20 L (1 Pail) Compressor Oil


Shell Corena S4 R-46

Advanced Synthetic Rotary Air Compressor Oil.

Shell Corena S4 R is primarily an advanced synthetic air compressor oil designed to deliver the highest performance lubrication of rotary sliding vane and screw air compressors. It uses a unique advanced additive system to provide excellent protection and performance for compressors running with oil maintenance intervals of 10,000 hours and up to 12,000 hours under certain conditions. Shell Corena S4 R is also perfectly suitable to cover applications where a synthetic bearing & circulating oil or R&O oil (ISO VG 32-68) is required.

Performance, Features & Benefits

  1. Long oil life – Maintenance saving. Shell Corena S4 R is capable of providing oil maintenance intervals of 10,000 hours (where allowed by manufacturers) even when operating at maximum discharge temperatures in excess of 1000C. This may be extended up to 12,000 hours under certain conditions.
  2. Outstanding wear protection. Shell Corena S4 R helps provide exceptional protection of internal metal surfaces from corrosion and wear. It contains an advanced ashless anti-wear system to help prolong the life of critical parts such as bearings and gears.
  3. Maintaining system efficiency. Shell Corena S4 R is designed to provide rapid air release without excessive foaming to give trouble-free operation even under cycling conditions helping to ensure reliable start-up and continuous compressed air availability. Shell Corena S4 R also has low volatility which can result in lower evaporation and oil carryover in the compressor, providing reduced oil top-up requirements in combination with increased air quality. In addition, Shell Corena S4 R has excellent water separation properties to help ensure continuous efficient operation of the compressor even in the presence of water.

Technical Data Sheet (TDS), Click  in below link :

TDS Shell Corena S4 R 46

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), Click in below link :

MSDS Shell Corena S4 R 46


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